Physical work load assessment tools

You can use the instruments below to assess the physical load in your company. Start with the physical load checklist for an initial risk inventory of all forms of physical load, or dive in depth with a specific instrument if you already know which part has bottlenecks. The Physical Load Guide helps to tackle physical load.

More information about the substantiation of an instrument can be found on the information page of the instrument. Or read further information on physical work load first.

Checklist physical load

The physical load checklist can be used for initial screening of the possible risks associated with all kinds of physical load. The results give an overview of the risks associated with the task under assessment.

Lees Checklist physical load

Hand arm risk-assessment method (HARM)

HARM highlights the risks associated with hand and arm tasks. A 6-step assessment procedure is used to determine the risk of arm, neck or shoulder complaints for each type of task. The results indicate the extent to which the risk factors detected contribute to the overall risk. HARM is also available in Swedish.

Lees Hand arm risk-assessment method (HARM)

Working posture risk assessment tool (WRAP)

WRAP can be used to detect risks due to unfavourable working postures. The results of WRAP indicate whether such risks exist, and if so which working postures they are associated with.

Lees Working posture risk assessment tool (WRAP)

Push and pull check (DUTCH)

The push and pull check (DUTCH) is a method to assess the physical load during push and pull tasks. The instrument is easy to apply, without the necessity of performing (force) measurements.

Lees Push and pull check (DUTCH)

Checklist Better behind your screens (BAS)

The Checklist Better behind your screens (BAS) can be used to assess risks while working behind screens (computer, laptop, tablet, etc.). The results indicate which results are present and how these risks can be tackled.

Lees Checklist Better behind your screens (BAS)

Physical load guide

I want to tackle the risks in my organization. Physically demanding work can hinder the sustainable employability of employees. This guide outlines five steps that will help you get started to find and tackle the issues.

Lees Physical load guide